About our speaker: Earl Granville served nine years in the Army National Guard as an infantryman, with deployments to Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. On his final tour, he lost his left leg through the knee to a roadside bomb while on patrol. His teammates, Major Scott Hagerty of Stillwater Oklahoma and Specialist Derek Holland of Wind Gap Pennsylvania died from the blast.
Earl is a graduate at the University of Scranton and works for many non profits such as Operation Enduring Warrior, The Oscar Mike Foundation, and WarriorStrong Inc. These charities help keep wounded and disabled veterans and law enforcement physically active after their injuries.
Earl spends most of his time traveling the country as a public speaker of discussing healthy ways to battle adversity from his own experiences and ideas, and after the passing of someone very close to him took their own life while they were serving on active duty back in 2010.
He has received numerous awards for his volunteer work and his speaking, including the 2018 Attorney General Heart So Big Award, the Junior Chamber International (JCI USA) TOYA Award for Personal Improvement and/or Accomplishment under the Class of 2017 and the 2018 Daughters of the American Revolution Veterans Volunteer Award.
Earl retired out of the army as a Staff Sergeant with many awards such as the Combat Infantryman Badge and the Purple Heart. www.earlgranville.org
Attendees will enjoy delicious Tex-Mex!